
The 18th SP–Arte makes available, on Spotify and through QR codes positioned at the Fair, walkthroughs about history and urgent themes in art and design. The audio guides of this edition were written and narrated by researchers Camila Bechelany, Frederico Coelho, Luciara Ribeiro, Winnie Bastian, Ana Carolina Ralston and Felipe Molitor.

In addition, curators Lisette Lagnado and Mirtes Marins organized the 5th edition of the Cápsulas program, presented by Galeria Jaqueline Martins in partnership with SP–Arte. Titled “Bases para uma educação antirracista” (“Bases for an antiracist education”), for Cápsula 5, Luciana Alves, pedagogue and black movement activist, and Kenya Eleison, curator and artistic director of Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, were invited.

Check below the themes and access the audios and videos. All contents are available only in Portuguese:

The Bienal Pavilion, modernist architecture for a new art

On this episode, Camila Bechelany, art historian, critic and curator, presents the history of the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, known as Bienal Pavilion, emblematic building of Brazilian’s modern architecture that welcomes SP–Arte since its first edition.

Constructivism and counter constructivism

On this audio guide, Camila Bechelany comments the nuances, experimentations and technological advances that defined Brazilian’s modernism second phase, presenting some of the artists and how they related to the movements that accrued from this time: Judith Lauand, Antonio Bandeira and Raymundo Colares.

1980–2000s: The transition to the contemporary

Frederico Coelho is a researcher, essayist and professor in Brazilian Literature and Theatre in PUC–Rio. He was an assistant curator at MAM–RJ from 2009 to 2011. From the end of the military dictatorship to the recovery of currency stability, and the renovation of Fundação Bienal de São Paulo to the creation of independent collectives, he comments on the transition – from the 1980s to the 2000s – that led Brazilian art to the contemporary.

A new century for Brazilian art

In this audio guide, researcher Frederico Coelho explains how the XXI century is “a new century for Brazilian art”, and how even art studies of this epoch require a change of paradigm – change that marks the turn of the century and the current generation’s production.

Twists, tensions and obstinations

Luciara Ribeiro is an educator, researcher and curator. Master in Art History by Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Brazil) and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). Here, she questions the adage “seeing is believing”, presenting works that adjust to what she calls “invisible forces camp”, those that tension thoughts, bodies and energies.

Coloniality and ways of holding the falling of the sky

In this audio guide, Luciara Ribeiro presents the question: how to think the future? In this sense, she tells us about the work of some artists that produce grounded on the notion that the future runs in the same ways as the past.

Contemporary design: matter and process as reading keys

In this audio guide, Winnie Bastian, journalist specialized in design, presents and reflects on design works, starting from matter and processes as clues to understanding them. From ecofriendly works to others that subvert traditional techniques, Bastian proposes an itinerary on the 18th SP–Arte, that returns to the Bienal Pavilion with over 30 design galleries.

Brazil and wood: unity in diversity

With this audio guide, Winnie Bastian presents some of the furniture and works exhibited by design galleries at the 18th SP–Arte. In this walkthrough, the leading bond is wood, which she points out as “unity in diversity”.

Small acts of hora grande

Felipe Molitor is a journalist and critic, curator of “Hora grande”, exhibition that inaugurates the Radar SP–Arte sector in 2022. In this audio guide, he explains the “small acts of Hora grande”, presenting the work of each artist that participates on the exhibition and the subtleties and axis that guide the curatorship.

Arte Natureza: Ressignificar para viver

The curator Ana Carolina Ralston comments on the relations of arts and nature and our way of existing in the world on the namesake audio guide to her exhibition “Arte Natureza: ressignificar para viver”, at the 18th SP–Arte.

Cápsula 5 – 1st meeting
Bases for an antiracist education with Luciana Alves

The curators Lisette Lagnado and Mirtes Marins organized the 5th edition of the Cápsulas program, presented by Galeria Jaqueline Martins in partnership with SP–Arte. Titled “Bases para uma educação antirracista” (“Bases for an antiracist education”), for Cápsula 5, Luciana Alves, pedagogue and black movement activist, and Kenya Eleison, curator and artistic director of Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, were invited. On this first meeting, Luciana Alves presents her reflections on three axis: the dynamics between whiteness and blackness, races and systems of power.


Cápsula 5 – 2nd meeting
Bases for an antiracist education with Keyna Eleison

On this second meeting, Keyna Eleison discusses socialization spaces, analyzing the reception of exhibition publics.