SP–Arte, Latin America’s leading art fair, has a massive presence in the art market

11 Feb 2022
Vista da SP–Arte 2019. Foto: Ênio Cesar / SP–Arte

SP–Arte, Latin America’s prime art fair, has a massive presence in the art market

The 18th edition, happening April 6th through 10th at the São Paulo Bienal Pavilion, reaffirms the fair’s leading position in the art market, gathering around 130 galleries, 8 of which are international. See below the list of exhibitors

For its 18th edition, SP–Arte – São Paulo International Art Festival, happening April 6th through 10th at the São Paulo Bienal Pavilion, in the Ibirapuera Park, presents the confirmed participation of the most important art and design galleries in Brazil. This, which is the most traditional and important art fair in Latin America, will bring together 100 art galleries, eight of which are international, and more than 30 design galleries, a sector returning with full force to the Bienal Pavilion. With the new edition, the Festival consolidates its role as a catalyst for the national visual arts market and a driver of the city’s creative economy. 

To Fernanda Feitosa, founder of SP–Arte, “the entire sector is set into motion for returning to our Festival, which, for many, represents around 30% of the year’s sales. We are happy to see agents in the circuit engaged in holding events and exhibitions around SP–Arte, amplifying the festival’s impact.”

Back at the Bienal Pavilion, SP–Arte will bring together national galleries on the rise, prime Brazilian galleries with solid international reach, as well as foreign exhibitors. Among national exhibitors are Galeria Luisa Strina (SP), Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel (SP – RJ), A Gentil Carioca (RJ – SP), Mendes Wood DM (SP – NY – Brussels), Nara Roesler (SP – NY – RJ) and Galeria Jaqueline Martins (SP – Brussels). Strong participants in the secondary market such as Gomide & Co (SP), Almeida & Dale Galeria de Arte (SP), Dan Galeria (SP), Paulo Kuczynski (SP), Pinacotekhe (SP) and Galeria Ipanema (RJ) will also be present. 

Among the newcomers are Galeria Marco Zero, which has been moving the art scene in Recife (PE), and Galeria Marli Matsumoto (SP), which opened last year, featuring established and emerging artists.

Beyond the Rio-São Paulo axis, SP–Arte counts on the presence of Paulo Darzé and Roberto Alban (Salvador), Amparo 60 (Recife), Referência (Brasília), Celma Albuquerque and Periscópio (Belo Horizonte), Simões de Assis (Curitiba) and Ybakatu (Florianópolis).

International names include Galleria Continua (which operates in Brazil, in addition to Italy, China, Canada, Cuba and France); Galería SUR, which has been present at SP–Arte since its first edition, and Galería de las Misiones, both from Uruguay; Buenos Aires Fine Arts (Argentina); Zielinsky (Spain); and Lamb Arts (UK). In addition to these, two important galleries from the United States will participate in the fair: Opera Gallery and Piero Atchugarry Gallery.

The design sector is back in full force, featuring around thirty studios and galleries specializing in furniture and Brazilian authorial design. Important exhibitors such as Etel, ,Ovo, Loja Teo, Jacqueline Terpins, Atelier Hugo França and Passado Composto Séc. XX (all from São Paulo), apart from many promising newcomers such as Wentz and Diletante 42, also from São Paulo, and the designer collective Cultivado em Casa, from Minas Gerais.

National Art Galleries

A Gentil Carioca
Almeida & Dale
Aloisio Cravo
AM Galeria de Arte
Amparo 60
Andrea Rehder Arte Contemporânea
Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte
Arte 57 – Renato Magalhães Gouvea Jr.
Aura | Bailune Biancheri
Belizário Galeria
Bianca Boeckel Galeria
Carbono Galeria
Casa Rosa Amarela
Casa Triângulo
Cassia Bomeny Galeria
Celma Albuquerque
Central Galeria
Choque Cultural
Dan Galeria
Dan Galeria Contemporânea
Danielian Galeria
Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel
Gaby Indio da Costa Arte Contemporânea
Galeria Athena
Galeria Base
Galeria Caribé
Galeria de Arte André
Galeria de Arte Ipanema
Galeria Eduardo Fernandes
Galeria Estação
Galeria Frente
Galeria Inox
Galeria Jaqueline Martins
Galeria Kogan Amaro
Galeria Leme
Galeria Leonardo Leal
Galeria Luisa Strina
Galeria Lume
Galeria Marco Zero
Galeria Marília Razuk
Galeria Mario Cohen
Galeria Millan
Galeria Periscópio
Galeria Radiante
Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Galeria Steiner
Galeria Superfície
Galeria Ybakatu
Galeria Zilda Fraletti
Gomide & Co
Hilda Araújo Escritório de Arte
Janaína Torres Galeria
Luciana Brito Galeria
Luciana Caravello Galeria de Arte Contemporânea
Luís Maluf Galeria de Arte
Manoel Macedo Arte
Márcia Barrozo do Amaral – Galeria de Arte
Marli Matsumoto Arte Contemporânea
Mendes Wood DM
Mul.ti.plo Espaço de Arte
Nara Roesler
OMA Galeria
Papel Assinado
Paulo Darzé Galeria
Paulo Kuczynski Escritório de Arte
Portas Vilaseca Galeria
Projeto Vênus
Rafael Moraes
Referência Galeria de Arte
Roberto Alban Galeria
Rodrigo Ratton

Silvia Cintra + Box 4
Simões de Assis
steinART Contemporânea
Zipper Galeria


International Art Galleries

Buenos Aires Fine Arts (Argentina)
Galería de Las Misiones (Uruguay)
Galería Sur (Uruguay)
Galeria Zielinsky (Spain, Brazil)
Galleria Continua (Italy, China, Canada, Cuba, France, Brazil)
LAMB Arts (UK, Brazil)
Opera Gallery (USA, Switzerland, France, UK, Monaco, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Singapure, Hong Kong, South Korea)
Piero Atchugarry Gallery (Uruguay, USA)


Design Galleries

+55 Design
31 Mobiliário
Alex Rocca
Alva Design
Apartamento 61
Artemobilia Galeria
Atelier André Ferri
Bancos Indígenas do Xingu
Cristiana Bertolucci Estúdio
Cultivado em Casa
D Propósito Design
Diletante 42
Firma Casa
Galeria Teo
GOZTO Galeria de Design
Herança cultural
Hugo França
Jacqueline Terpins
Leandro Garcia
Mac Design
Marcos Amato
Mobília Tempo
Noemi Saga Atelier
Oficinaethos + Rodrigo Calixto
Passado Composto Século XX
Rodrigo Silveira



Banca Tatuí
Fotô Editoral
Gravuras no Brasil
Terra Virgem


SP–Arte maintains close collaborations with its sponsors, who share in the fair’s aspirations toward creating a global platform for exchanging ideas which drive the art world forward. The fair counts on Vivo, Rede and Iguatemi as its master sponsors, as well as Orizon and Unipar as of this year. SP–Arte is also sponsored by Tiffany & Co., Liberty Insurance, Liberty Special Markets and Unico, apart from Beck’s, Chandon, Terrazas de Los Andes and Café Orfeu as its official beverages.


Security measures

SP–Arte adopts all the necessary security measures so that visitation takes place in the best possible way. Again, ticket purchase will be available online and by appointment. To access the event, proof of complete vaccination against Covid-19 must be presented, according to municipal and state stipulations.



18th SP–Arte – São Paulo International Art Festival
April 6-10, 2022

Bienal Pavilion– Parque Ibirapuera, gate 3 – São Paulo, Brazil

R$50,00 (general), R$25,00 (half-price)
Half-price available for students, disabled persons and seniors (documents must be presented).
For admittance to the event, full vaccination records must be presented, according to state and municipal stipulations.
Children under 10 may be admitted free of charge.
The ticket-office closes 30 minutes before the end of the event.

Ticket purchase

Production: SP–Arte, Secretaria Especial da Cultura, Ministério do Turismo, Governo Federal
Pronac 193281 – SP–Arte 2021

General admittance

Vaccination records must be presented.