Thomaz Rosa em seu ateliê (Imagem: Vine Ferreira)

SP–Arte and MJournal visit artist's studios

18 Nov 2021, 5 pm

SP–Arte launches, in partnership with MJournal, the series “Open studios”, dedicated to contemporary art. On the occasion of the 17th SP–Arte, we visited the workspaces of artists whose works were at the Fair to get to know their daily artistic practices from up close.

Featured on the series are artists Thiago Martins de Melo, Thomaz Rosa, Moisés Patrício and Luana Vitra.

MJournal is one of the most prominent Latin American cultural publications, with an eye for art, imagery, fashion, society and culture.

Above: Thomaz Rosa in his studio

(Photo: Vine Ferreira)

Episode 1

On the first episode, Thiago Martins de Melo talks about his maranhense roots and how being from an Amazonian region impacts his artistic practice.

Thiago Martins de Melo

Open studio: Thiago Martins de Melo

Ateliê aberto: Thiago Martins de Melo

Episode 2

The second episode features Thomaz Rosa, where he shares details of his process and explains the everyday references he takes to his studio.

Thomaz Rosa

Open studio: Thomaz Rosa

Ateliê aberto: Thomaz Rosa

Episode 3

The third episode features Moisés Patrício, where he explains the connection between art and spirituality, ritualistic moments and how he imprints his own memory in his painting.

Moisés Patrício

Open studio: Moisés Patrício

Ateliê aberto: Moisés Patrício

Episode 3

On the fourth and last episode, Luana Vitra explains the story behind her constant use of iron on her works and comments her poetic practice starting from a “longing of origins”.

Luana Vitra

Open studio: Luana Vitra


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