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Specialists Recommend Works at SP-Arte Viewing Room
27 Aug 2020, 8:53 am
An art fair’s greatest strength lies in bringing together, for a few days and in the same environment, all the actors in the arts circuit: gallerists, artists, curators, academics, assemblers, cultural producers, collectors etc. The event enables connections, exchanges and collective learning – and an online version is no different.
Through SP-Arte Viewing Room, we can reach audiences outside the axis, who can visit Latin America’s biggest art fair from any part of Brazil, from the comfort of their own homes. SP-Arte invited a selection of qualified consultants and art collectors to browse our virtual platform and tell us which works they most enjoyed coming across in this new experience. Their recommendations reflect the diversity of this the first edition of SP-Arte Viewing Room. Check them out!
Above: José Leonilson, “A distância entre as cidades”, 1988
Painting, 107 × 211 cm
Ricardo Kugelmas (SP), Founder of Auroras
“We are living in a historic moment of revision in our museum archives and private collections. It is urgent and absolutely necessary to include more Afro-descendant artists in our collections and in the visual arts circuit.”
Selected works:
Laís Amaral, “O que acontece na beira do mar de madrugada?”, 2020
Abdias do Nascimento, “Godorixá: Exu”, 1970
Hariel Revignet, Untitled, 2020
Melvin Edwards, “Canção das correntes partidas”, 2019
Santídio Pereira, Untitled, from the series “Morros”, 2020
Monica Tachotte (BSB), Art Consultant
“Five works is not a lot! But of the young artists, I was impressed by Maya and Mulambö. I thought the chromatic question and poetics were incredibly well resolved by both, it’s a mix of acid colours with tropicality. Another work that caught my attention was “Ovo Cósmico” by Regina Vater, an artist who was already in the MOMA collection in the 70’s and who impressed in the Radical Women exhibition, and continues to impress with highly assertive conceptual works, and it’s always good to see artists from the 70’s and 80’s being represented. And the final two works I’ve chosen were by Leonilson and Torres-Garcia, which are two historic works that show important phases in the productions of both artists.”
Selected works:
Maya Weishof, “Tudo será difícil de dizer”, 2019
Mulambö, “Fundamento”, 2020
Regina Vater, “Ovo cósmico”, 1980
José Leonilson, “A distância entre as cidades”, 1988
Joaquín Torres García, “Constructivo América”, 1942
Ademar Britto (RJ), Collector
“I’ve chosen works by 5 artists who use a system of symbols to talk about history, inheritance, rites, costumes and beliefs.”
Selected works:
Ayrson Heráclito, “Sangue, sêmem e saliva”, 2015
Tiago Sant’Ana, Untitled, from the series “Ao rés do chão”, 2018
Vivian Caccuri, “Triângulo sarcófago”, 2020
Mônica Ventura, “Início e fim”, 2016
Carlos Motta, “We The Enemy [5.3]”, 2019
Taissa Bescu, Design Consultant
“Design, like art, should move you. The play of shapes and proportions, the chromatic compositions and textures of materials enchant me.”
Selected works:
Jorge Zalszupin, “Estante Kovacs”, 1960
Patricia Anastassiadis, “Mesa de jantar Eclipse para Artefacto”, 2020
Guilherme Wentz, “Sofá Baixo”, 2020
Claudia Issa, “Objeto Cerâmico Elo M”, from the series “Umbilicais”, 2020
,OVO, “Poltrona alta 22”, from the series “,Ovo Public”, 2020
Chris Bicalho
“My choice was based on researching artists who work in the feminine universe and manage to impress the strength, resilience, vanguard and poetics that are relevant in 2020. Gustavo’s work is a message of hope for 2021, enjoy!”
Selected works:
Simone Cupello, “Lasca VII”, 2019
Jessica Mein, “Anni”, from the series “Elas”, 2019
Adriana Coppio, “Tuiuiú”, 2020
Marina Perez Simão, Untitled, 2020
Gustavo Speridião, “eu tenho um plano”, 2014
Fabio Faisal, colecionador
“O critério de seleção que usei foi o preço excelente para a qualidade excelente também da obra”
Obras selecionadas:
Valdirlei Dias Nunes, “Sem título (Branco entre duas ripas de madeira paralelas)”, 2006
Emmanuel Nassar, “Verso”, 2019
Lenora de Barros, “Poema”, 1979
Waltercio Caldas, “Decanter”, 2019
Berna Reale, “Ginástica da pele # 07”, 2019
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