There has been an expressive growth in the number of artworks donated to important institution during SP-Arte 15th edition

10 Apr 2019, 12:49 pm

When the institutions’ collections grow, national culture gains strength. Under this premise, SP-Arte invests on a donations programme, which achieved a record participation in this edition. Important collectors, including younger ones, artists and galleries donated seventy important artworks to Brazilian museums.

Institutions such as the São Paulo Museum of Art (Masp), the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (MAM-SP) and the Pinacoteca received works for their collections. The Rio Art Museum (MAR), with support from curator Paulo Herkenhoff, received a record number of new acquisitions.

Check out some of the pieces:

Melvin Edwards

(Alexander Gray Associates)

The work “Palmares”, 1988, was donated by the artist himself and the North-American gallery to Masp.

Solange Pessoa

(Mendes Wood DM)

Two large Untitled canvases, from 2012, were donated by Iguatemi to Pinacoteca.

Sonia Andrade

(Galeria Athena)

The video “A morte do horror” [The Death of Horror], 1981, which had never been shown in Brazil, was donated by Renata di Paula to Pinacoteca’s collection.

Claudia Andujar


Two important photographs, “A jovem Susi Korihana thëri em um igarapê – Catrimani, Roraima” [Young Susi Korihana thëri in a river – Catrimani, Roraima], from the series “A floresta” [The Forest] (1972/1974) and “Maloca rodeada de folhas de batata-doce, Catrimani” [Indigenous house surrounded by sweet potato leaves, Catrimani], from the series “The house” (1974/1976), were donated to MAM by Renata di Paula. Part of the funds raised through the sale of Andujar’s works is destined to the cause of the Yanomami tribe.

José Bento

(Galeria Millan)

The sculpture “Feijão carioca” [Carioca Bean], of 2018, was donated to Pinacoteca by Cleusa Garfinkel.

Lenora de Barros

(Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte)

The work “Poema” [Poem], from 1979, was donated to MAM by Ana Eliza Setubal.

Élle de Bernardini

(Verve Galeria)

The work “DNA”, 2018, was donated to MAR by Marcelo Secaf.


(OMA Galeria)

The sculpture “Nikutai”, 2019, was donated to MAR by the group Ana Volpe, Leivi Abuleac, Luciana and Michel Farah, Flávia and Rodrigo Terpins.

Letícia Parente

(Galeria Jaqueline Martins)

The video “Eu armário de mim”, 1975, was donated by Cleusa Garfinkel to MAM-SP.

RANDolpho Lamonier

(Periscópio Arte Contemporânea)

A new work by the series “Profecia” [Profecy], with the sentence “Em 2040, legalizamos o amor e outras drogas menos intensas” [In 2040, we legalize love and other less intense drugs] was donated to Pinacoteca’s collection by Esther and Ricardo Constantino.

Jaime Lauriano

(Galeria Leme/AD)

The installation “Brinquedo de furar moletom” [Toy to pierce sweater], 2018, was donated by Cleusa Garfinkel to MAR. Another version of the same work was presented at MAC Niterói last year.

Elizabeth Jobim

(Lurixs: Arte Contemporânea)

A series of small paintings by Elizabeth Jobim, from last year, was donated by José Luiz Setúbal to MAM.

Adrianna Eu

(Luciana Caravello)

The new work “As amarras” [The moorings], was donated to MAR by Cleusa Garfinkel.

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